
The fine art of blogging without attention whoring. Or am I just fooling myself?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas gifts!

Since I detest Christmas I must naturally, in the Name of Inconsequence, list all Christmas gifts I received this year. Here goes:
  1. Kodansha's Furigana, hardcover, 1. 700+ pages of English-Japanese/Japanese-English exquisiteness.
  2. Sony Ericsson W950i, mobile phone/walkman/palm pilot, 1. I shall enjoy chuckling at all you iPod dorks of the world for a while from this point on. Still waiting for the chip behind the ear for the ultimate all-in-one solution though...
  3. The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton, paperback, 1. (Thanks for the tip, Linda!)
  4. Money, local currency, uncountable. All hail to Mammon!
  5. Gift vouchers, 3. Vouchers worth 25€ at a local department store whose cheap and boring clothes (un)fortunately fit me perfectly. White trash? Yes...but with style!
  6. Long sleeve vest, white, 1.
  7. Candy, various, 663 grams...but no Green Jellies! An old tradition has been buried and I am in a state of shock.
The funniest thing that must have happened this Christmas was when I realised my dad looks gay. It is all there: Shaved head, tanned, pierced ear with a huge diamond piercing, well-trained, tattooed... Very gay indeed, but in a splendid way if you ask me.

He was infuriated nevertheless. Har har.


  • At 4:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    your papa must be super sexy!!

  • At 5:33 pm, Blogger 神野ミカエル said…

    So they say. Oh, and did I mention he's wearing a thick golden necklace with a huge golden cross? ^^

  • At 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nope nope you didn't!!

    sorry that i always comment without name... but i don't know how to use this site!
    ich heisse Saki


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