
The fine art of blogging without attention whoring. Or am I just fooling myself?

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Hello deserted half of my bed that I wake up next to in the morning.
Hello anguish that wells up in me before the alarm sounds.
Hello shower cabin that encloses only my own body.
Hello empty chair opposite of me while I'm trying to force myself to eat breakfast.
Hello bus ride without you pressing yourself against me.
Hello train ride without you holding my hand.
Hello uninspiring work without me being able to look forward to what comes after.
Hello cell phone that no longer receives your text messages.
Hello fits of crying that come in season and out.
Hello evening that I spend on my own.
Hello dinner that I make for myself, once I have the energy to.
Hello dance floor that leaves me unsatisfied.
Hello again bed that I'm lying in without your too warm body making me sweat.
Hello nightmare that I have to suffer through every night, and that it doesn't help to wake up from.

Hello loneliness.

Monday, October 14, 2013

My wish, part II

It seems my wish was not to be granted.