
The fine art of blogging without attention whoring. Or am I just fooling myself?

Sunday, September 17, 2006


There is one thing that keeps puzzling me: Why is it that, when it comes to politics, individuals who normally are intelligent, thinking creatures become stupid, egoistic, defensive and fearful, and are unable to think for themselves? Politicians constantly have to watch what they are saying, to not "upset the voters", and should preferably never give a concise answer, to not "scare the voters away". Yet these "voters" who allow themselves to be lulled into oblivion are the same as all those brilliant, innovative individuals behind the companies, institutions and organisations that make the world go round; individuals who are not afraid of trying new things and making personal sacrifices to meet their ends, be it ideological, collective or personal ends. How can this be?

There seem to be a few areas where people's worst sides are brought to the front and politics is one of those areas. (Others worth mentioning are e. g. the music industry and the internet.) This is likely one of the most important reasons why I will never get seriously - i. e. professionally - involved in politics even though a part of me wants to. After all, I prefer dealing with human beings when at their best.

Well then. Shortly I will be heading off to watch everything go to hell, in one way or another, again.

(And to those of you who might understand what I am talking about: I made sure to post this entry before so that you would not be able to dismiss me as just being bitter. This way you may instead dismiss me as being pessimistic. ^_~)

EDIT: With much regret in my heart, I hereby claim the title "Realist".

Monday, September 04, 2006

A little truth

Originally posted by mylegbig:
"It's scientifically proven that wearing pink immediately leads to sucking ****."

Uhuh yup, I'm with you buddy. ^^

But wait a second, does this go for women as well? This is really something all the mothers of the world should think about before dressing their baby girls in pink. If only my mother hadn't made me wear pink when I was a kid, then maybe I wouldn't have made my sexual debut at such an early age...


What the subtitle of the blog says. This is my stab at blogging without attention whoring. I do not know if that is possible at all, but I would like to give it a try.

Actually, what this whole thing is about is the following: Some time ago I noticed that my English had worsened considerably. English is not my native tongue but I used to be quite good at it, not to say excellent. Something happened, however, and I am quite sure it had something to do with me living in Italy for six months last year, and my complete focus on learing Italian. Since then I am constantly misspelling, forgetting basic words, phrasing myself erroneously (can you even say that?), and so on and so forth...and when it comes to word order, please, just don't get me started on that.

This is where you, my dear readers, come into the picture (provided that you exist at all): I would like you to provide me with feedback on language use, in any shape and colour. Do not spare me in any way. In exchange, I will do my best to provide you with as entertaining...er, "pseudo-journalism" and other written reflections as possible.

As for the "not attention whoring" claim, let us make a pros and cons list:

  • I will be keeping my name, nationality, location, gender and other personal details hidden - at least for the time being.
  • As mentioned above, this blog mainly exist for me to exercise my written English skills, while being able to get some feedback on spelling, grammar and word use.
  • I will not be advertising this blog very much, just to attract a few proofreaders.
  • I will not put any time and effort into "keeping my readers". The entries will show up when and if I feel like it. I am sure there are millions of blogs you can entertain yourself with in the meantime.
  • There will be no stat counting whatsoever.
  • I have been attention whoring before. Mostly when I was younger, but still.
  • I tend to use the word "I" a lot. That is a bad sign in general.
  • And finally...It's a blog, fer fukk sake!
Well, at least the pros outnumber the cons. In due time we will see where all of this is heading for sure...
